
  The next phase of this research focuses on ‘Performing the Future’, how we might envision positive futures in the face of expected climate and environmental change, how we can future-proof scientific data and narratives from the past and present relating to these changes and reflect...

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Setting up at Polka Theatre, Wimbledon

I am in the foyer of the much loved Polka Children’s Theatre setting up The Prediction Machine and weather station for their Techtopia festival which...

weather station on the balcony at FACT

The New Observatory at FACT

Some exciting new developments are happening for The Prediction Machine’s return to FACT in Liverpool this summer (2017) as part of The New Observatory Exhibition,...

The mobile weather station attached to a sign on Ubatuba beach

Tropixel, Ubatuba, Brazil The Prediction Machine and Performing Data was presented at Tropixel Festival Ceincia Aberta Ubatuba (Open Science), as part of the Mata Atlantica Festival...

close up of the hand rank

Next steps

The exhibition at Nottingham Contemporary is now over after an exciting couple of weeks, showing alongside of the wonderful and enlightening Rights of Nature...

sketch of the promises and wishes machine

Promises and Wishes

As part of the next exhibition – at Nottingham Contemporary – a new companion piece to The Prediction Machine is being developed. This is...

hands holding a prediction

Accessibility Policy and Information

The Prediction Machine and website is being created with accessibility in mind. The machine will develop over several phases and will be adapted as it...

bees from the felt data map

Final public workshop

The final workshop took place this week and it was sad to end the sessions, particularly as a core group has emerged with the...

printer with test predictions printing and the The Prediction Machine logo

Testing the machine

Last week we moved forward with testing and building the machine… The printer is working and is amazingly robust, it is a proper kiosk...

final design sketch of the machine

Building The Machine

We are nearly there with the first test of the machine – due to take place next week. Ian Jones (Sherwood Wood) is the...

data map for mild weather types

Visualising Data at August’s workshop

August’s workshop involved visualising the data we collected whilst doing the human sensor activities and creating felt data maps for each weather type that...

image from Silent Running (film) of Bruce Dern with two of the robots planting

Visions of the future…

I am in the process of putting together images, poetry, prose and films that represent how we perceive the seasons, the weather and climate...

the group standing in Holywell Park, a predominantly Ash Forest on Loughborough University's campus


Two workshops have now taken place in Loughborough that is bringing together people from Loughborough to explore how we mark, record, understand and respond...

hands holding a broken fortune cookie and the fortune 'the bananas will run out'

Come and take part in the workshops

Image copyright of Julian Hughes The Prediction Machine public workshops are starting next week and we would be very excited if you wanted to join...

Spring in Ploughman's Forest, Nottinghamshire

The IPCC Report on Climate Change

Today the IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) released the second in a series of updated reports about climate change.  This reports on research...

children choosing fortune cookies from the plates

Nowcasting Launch

On Sunday 23rd March Radar, Loughborough University Arts launched their programme of artworks – Nowcasting – that will link up to the Loughborough University...

rainbow and clouds over the hills

The Story of the Machine

Roll Up Roll Up… to see plans for The Prediction Machine, a new invention to track moments of climate change that will be revealed...

cardboard model of the machine

modelling the machine

I am in the process of building a model of the machine to work out scale, accessibility and design. This will be presented at...

Nowcasting Launch – Sunday 23rd March

The Prediction Machine has been commissioned as part of the Nowcasting programme at Radar, Loughborough University.  To launch this event I will be presenting...

Visiting Loughborough University

Yesterday Matt Little (who is an engineer collaborating with me on the project) and I did a site visit, with Jo Mardell from Radar...

prediction machine with a hand powered screen

Sketching the Machine

Early sketches of climate based machine arcade machines based on the old end of the pier Zoltar and Lovetester machines:     Sketches of...

BBC screen showing Exploding Places

Ordnance Survey Workshop

This Wednesday I travelled through the Tube Strike and the floods to get to Southampton for a workshop on mapping at Ordnance Survey.  I...

arduino connected to a heat sensor and LED dispay

Becoming a doctor

The last two weeks have been busy and quite amazing. Firstly I have had funding agreed by the Arts Council of England for the...

Inflatible sculptures controlled by decibels and C02

Performing Data

Performing data is a concept that has arisen as a response to the ways that the artists bring data ‘centre stage’ within their artworks...

farm in the mountains of the Mata Atlantica

Background to the project

The Story of The Prediction Machine The Prediction Machine was developed during the Relate (Timestreams) project that took place in 2012, in collaboration with...