The New Observatory at FACT

weather station on the balcony at FACT

Some exciting new developments are happening for The Prediction Machine’s return to FACT in Liverpool this summer (2017) as part of The New Observatory Exhibition, an exciting 3 month exhibition looking at data and observation, curated by Sam Skinner and Hannah Redler Hawes.

The Prediction Machine team are working on some new developments for the machines, that are supported by my new work looking at ‘envisioning positive futures’. As part of this I am working with Dominic Price from Horizon Digital Economy Institute to build the ‘Future Machine’ that people can join by using the Promises Machine. They will be invited to make a promise that they are happy to commit to for the future and then sign up to the network to revisit this promise, see whether their prediction is coming true and join in on a discussion about the changes we observe as the future unfolds.

As part of the exhibition I will also be running workshops with FACT’s Over 60s mens group and students from the Observatory School in Birkenhead, more to come soon on this…

Visit FACT’s website for more information about the opening event and the rest of the exhibition: